Monday, August 31, 2015

New American Girl Release!!!

Cuteness over load! Have you seen AG'S new release?! SO ADORABLE!
American Girl Warm Winter Outfit

The Warm Winter Outfit is my favorite outfit from this release! The colours are perfect and so funky. The boots are adorable. Love. (Sorry for the blurriness)

Popcorn machine 

 This is the Movie Popcorn Machine priced at $48. Oh my gosh it is purple and a popcorn machine! What more could we ask for? All the little details just make it look like it would be so much fun to own!

Gorgeous Gold Outfit
 Ooooo ahhhh. Just take a minute to stare at this beautiful dress!!! I have no words to describe it.
(again,  sorry about the blurriness)

Maryellen is so pretty! Her side swept bangs are similar to Grace's, but I love them on her more! Her meet outfit colours are very summery and colourful. Love her!

Maryellen's Sea Side Diner!!! SOOO cute! Love the nice colours! The food looks good enough to
eat! ; )

  Maryellen's Ice Skating Outfit and Accessories. I usually don't like blue and red together but these two shades just look so nice! The hat looks so adorable on her. I love the little snow flake detail on the dress! This outfit might have to be added to my collection. 
At first I was not a big fan of Maryellen's Jukebox. But it has grown to be one of my favorite items from the release! The colours are really pretty. It would be way cool to be able to play your own music from your phone or iPod. I can just see my dolls having a fun dance party with this. 

If you haven't already I recommend going to check them out, here.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Doll Diaries Giveaway!!!

American Girl Beforever Maryellen Larkin doll

Hello. They are giving away the new Maryellen Larkin doll at Doll Diaries!!!! She is so very cute and you should totally enter, click here to do so. Also, this is the last day for Jordan's Adventure ideas, so please go do that if you haven't already.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Jordan's 2nd Adventure

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Hi everyone. Jordan is in need of another adventure before schools starts in September. So we are having a second adventure. 
For those of you that don't know: in May Jordan was looking for something new and exciting to try so we got you to provide comments so we could choose an activity.
Next she did the activity and we posted the results in photo story form. You can check out her previous adventure here, and here. 
I will post which one I have chosen on the 27th and the photo story on the 29th. 
Be creative and tell me your ideas in the comments below. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Cerise & Cedar Clean There Dorm

Hi everyone! I am back from camp and ready to end the last month of summer with lots of fun crafts, photo shoots, and photo stories. So with out further ado here is an Ever After High photo story from the point of view of the one and the only daughter of Pinocchio, student at Ever After High and wicked awesome artist, Cedar Wood! *crowd goes wild* 
It was a beautiful morning at Ever After High and I, Cedar, was in my door room accompanied by my  spelltacular roommate Cerise Hood (daughter of Little Red Riding Hood). 
She was doing push ups and training for a upcoming track and shield meet.
She was very serious about it. She even had her pet wolf upon her back to add extra weight. It looked pretty silly to me, but then again the only sport I was involved in was speed swimming.

I got up from my bed to grab my mirror phone.

Careful to avoid bumping into Cerise and make her lose concentration.  

But I was also concentrating too hard on that and completely missed seeing my purse lying on the floor
Crash, bam, pow. I tripped, knocked into Cerise and fell straight into my desk.

While I regained my balance, Cerise tried to get her hair out of her face.

 Quickly she pulled her hood down as soon as she got up. That's the thing about Cerise, she takes the hood part of her legacy very seriously.

I looked around at the huge mess I had created. Well some of it I had created, the other part of it had been there before. "I think we need to clean our dorm" I said to Cerise.

"Hm, yes we have put it off for a while now. I guess now would be as good a time as any." Cerise replied.

So we set to work. I went to my desk first. 
"Do do, dum, la la le, singing a cleaning song." My voice screeched and  I could almost feel Cerise cringe as she ran around at lightning fast pace collecting things that were on the floor.

There that looks a little bit better, I think to my self.

 Cerise came up behind me with tons of thing towering in her arms.

And we worked together to put everything back in their original  places.
"What the heck is this?" I asked "It looks like some kind of torture device from the pioneer days." I stated.
Cerise laughed and said "That's not quite what it is, but I know just the place to store that. Be right back." 

And she ran out of the room. 

What seemed like a second later she was back with a big clear gray box.
"Tada? It's a box to put anything that we have no place for." Cerise explained.
"Perfect!" I exclaimed.

So I put the unknown, ancient object into the box.

When we had filled the box we were ready to take it away.

But Cerise  suddenly stopped and put her ear up to the box. 
"Um Cerise? What are you doing?" I questioned.

She didn't answer but instead re-opened the box. And guess who was inside, her little wolf pet.

I laughed "Oh, poor little guy we almost had him locked up in the storage room."
He didn't seem to be mad at us for long though and we continued on with our cleaning.

"What are these sandwiches doing under my bed?" Asked the puzzled Cerise.

"Oh whops, I forgot about those." I said snatching them up.

Soon we had finished and there was only one thing left to do. Return Cupids bow that she had left in our room.
"Hi Cupid." I said as we walked into her dorm.
"Oh, hi girls! Is that my bow? Thank my fairy godmother you found it! I had my whole room cleaned by the cleaning elves just to look for it." She said.
"Cleaning elves?" Both Cerise and me said together. 
The End. 

So that was super fun to make. I hope it was super fun to read. Toodles,

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hazel In The Garden

Hello. Today Hazel went out to the garden to explore. It was a bit gloomy out but that didn't stop her from having fun.
