Hi. Just wanted to let you know that, I will be away next week. So I will not be posting or answering comments.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Hi! Loren from Happy House of AG nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Here are the rules:
Answer ten questions.
Leave ten questions for the nominees.
Nominate ten people.
This award should of been called 10 10 10. Just kidding, Anna the "fabulous" namer of things strikes again.
: P. Ok, anyway here are the questions.
1. What are you currently wearing?
An old camp t-shirt with sporty shorts.
2. Favorite song?
"The Wrong Year" by the Decemberists.
3. Best day of your life?
When I wanted a mandolin (For those of you who don't know a mandolin is an instrument) and I went to a music store to try and convince my parents to get one, but there were none there. But when I went back into our vehicle there was a mandolin! My new mandolin.
4. What do you collect?
I don't really collect anything, besides dolls.
5. Worst day of your life?
When I had to bury my dead hamster. ) :
6. What inspired the name of your blog?
When I was younger my friend and I exchanged mini doll magazines and mine was called "Dolls Monthly" so I changed it to "Dolls Weekly".
7. WordPress or Blogger?
8. Mountains, Beach, or someplace in between?
In between.
9. Have you ever made an ATC?
10. Did you enjoy answering the above questions?
Yes, but it took awhile. : )
I nominate
*Drum Roll*
My questions are,
1. What fandoms are you in?
2. Favorite sport?
3.Outside or inside?
4. Are you a morning person?
5. Chocolate or candy?
5. Have you been to an AG store?
6. Who is your favorite GOTY?
7. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
8. Cupcakes or cake?
9. What is your favorite number?
10. Do you like fruit? (I don't - I am weird like that, and my mom wanted me to ask this)
Have fun answering these questions nominees!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Prairie Girl
Robin was outside today exploring some tall grass and an old barn.
Hope you enjoyed the photos. Remember to vote for what book the book club should review next!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Road Trip
Day 1
Hi! I am currently in a mini van and my parents are driving. Of course the dolls are with me. I realized that the title of this photo story is kind of misleading, because we are on the road, but only for 5 hours and then we will get to our destination. So it would make more sense being called "The 5 Hour Road Trip and The Vacation". But too late. Any way, here is the actual photo story. Robin writes in orange, and Hazel in pink.
Hi! I am currently in a mini van and my parents are driving. Of course the dolls are with me. I realized that the title of this photo story is kind of misleading, because we are on the road, but only for 5 hours and then we will get to our destination. So it would make more sense being called "The 5 Hour Road Trip and The Vacation". But too late. Any way, here is the actual photo story. Robin writes in orange, and Hazel in pink.
Hi everyone! We have been driving already for an hour and it is 10:12. I have been reading a AG magazine and looking at the scenery, while Robin rots her brain playing Candy Crush on her iPad
It's not rotting my brain, it's educating me on the art of crushing candy. Ok so maybe I should be doing something else. But I left my sketch book at home! I would much rather be drawing.
"Any who." I say to Hazel, "maybe we could play a game?"
"Yes! When my parents and I go somewhere we always play a game called I'm going camping and I'm bring a.... then you say something that starts with a, A then the next person says something that starts with a B, but they have to remember the persons item before them and so on." I say to Robin.
"Sure! I'll start, I am going camping and I am bringing an alligator."
So we play the game for awhile, but its too much work to right it out so we won't.
Updated: We got to stop in a small town and go over a river on a swinging bridge! I started rocking it
and Robin ran back to land.
I did not! I just decided it was time to go back to the van.
Sure you did. *rolls eyes*
Thats all we have for now, come back tomorrow for more of our adventure. Remember to comment!
-Robin and Hazel
Note: Sorry for the quality of these photos, I had to take them on my iPad and it's pretty bumpy in here ( :
Day 2/3
Hi again! We arrived safely. But sorry I did not post yesterday. I was at a music festival all day and the dolls did not come with me. Any way I will let Robin and Hazel take over.
I am still mad at Anna because she left us in a boring hotel room while she stayed out late listening to music!
Yeah, seriously Anna?! But oh well. The day before yesterday when we got here we basically just got our PJs on and crashed on the bed.
Yeah. But today we went out shopping.
And guess what we got!
Robin- Um, anyway the book is called "A Semi-Charming Kind of Life". The story follows Darling Charming, who is officially my new favourite EAH character.
Hazel-My favourite is Maddie Hatter. She's so funny.
Robin-Uh huh, sure. (I am being sarcastic)
Hazel-You don't need to tell them that.
Robin-Yes I do because it's hard to show that when your reading.
Hazel-Whatever. Ok that's all for now. Tomorrow we'll be back and better than ever!
Robin-Comment, follow us on Pinterest and be awesome!
-Robin and Hazel
Day 4
Anna- Hi everyone, notice I am still doing the name before the speech, because yesterday I got mad at blogger and my iPad and this makes it much easier.
Hazel- Hi people! (And hi to any dolls reading too)
Hazel- Today we visited some people from Anna's family.
Robin- Anna took lots of pictures by the pretty plants.
Hazel- And here they are.
Robin- We look awesome!
Hazel- Indeed. ; )
Robin- We have to go.
Hazel- Bye!! Come back tomorrow!
~Anna, Robin, and Hazel
Day 5
Hello. Today is the last day of "The Road Trip". Here is the "epic" conclusion.
Hi. We are in colour again because we are back on the home computer writing this.
Who cares get to the story already!! We almost died!
Don't spoil it! And we didn't almost die.
Yes we did.
That comes later in our day though. First we drove home and
and then there just happened to be an ALLIGATOR! So Robin stupidly tried to prove a point
Hey! I was not stupid!
Fine, but she was trying to prove the point that alligators are friendly if you give them respect and food. But she was terribly wrong and the alligator almost bit off her hand when she was giving it a hotdog! So then we ran into our house, while the alligator was RIGHT behind us!!!!
Luckily we got in the front door just in time.
"What happened to you?" Jordan asked.
We caught our breath and sat up.
Then Robin told her what happened.
Do you have anything to say about this Robin?
I hate alligators.
And that is the end of our road trip. If you read the comments the ending makes more sense. I think the dolls and I had a fun time. Have a great evening.
-Anna, Hazel, and Robin
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
The Road Trip
Hi there, as promised I have a photo story planned for this week.
Note: This is my 70th post, yay!

I am excited and I hope you are too! The photo story is about a road trip, thus the title. ( :
I will post a part of the story everyday starting tomorrow until Monday the 13. But I might be busy because I am going to be vacationing too so I might not get the post up until the next day. If you comment on the posts Robin or Hazel will reply (instead of me). So you better comment! That was Robin speaking, just ignore her.
I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! I have to go Robin is ranting about not being included in the blog enough, ( :
-Anna AND Robin
(How could she forget me?!)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
5 Random Things and a Picture of Robin

Hello, I just wanted to update you all on some random things...
1. I just got a Pintrest account so you can go follow me now. Just look up Dolls Weekly and it should come up as a pinner. (You can tell I am new with it) ( :
2. I have discontinued Thoughts of Thursdays.
3. I have a photo story planned for this week. Yay!
4. I need craft ideas! So I want you to comment below telling what I should create next for my dolls.
5. My next post will be my 70th.
Have a good evening everyone.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Canada Day Scrabble Game
New Ever After High Releases!
Hello. I was recently looking on the Mattel website and they have a new release out! And oh my gosh they are sooo cute! Lets take a look...
This is the Sugar Coated Class Set. This looks so adorable!! A doll sized oven, icing topped counter, bench and a Ginger Breadhouse doll!?! And all the detail is just the icing on the cake (excuse the pun ( :) I am definitely going to save up for this.... There are also other dolls that are called Sugar Coated, that go with this set.
This is The Way Too Wonderland Kitty Cheshire doll. I love the dress and her hair. It is so bold. I am not sure what I think about the ears though. There are also Apple White, Lizzie Hearts, Maddie Hatter, and Raven Queen with a play set that are also Way Too Wonderland.
This set is called the School Spirit™ 2-Pack. I love Apple!! Her hair is my favorite part, the streaks of colour are super cool. I also love the pattern on her skirt! The crown on her head is hexquisite (ever after high word play ( :). I am not a big fan of Raven though. I think it's the hat, Raven dosen't really seem like a sparkly kind of girl. I also don't really like the choice of red and purple together.Yes, I do know that apple has red with purple too, but she makes it work ( ;.
Updated: I just saw a review by the Mommy and Gracie Show and the hat looks better in their pictures.
Updated: I just saw a review by the Mommy and Gracie Show and the hat looks better in their pictures.
This is the Enchanted Picnic Blondie Lockes Doll. I love the peter pan collar and the pattern on the dress. The three bows on her head band are interesting, but I guess it is kind of cute? I think her teddy bear purse is adorable!Her shoes seem kind of dark compared to the rest of the outfit, but are still nice.They also have Cerise Hood, Raven Queen dolls.

This is the Rosabella Beauty Doll. She is not on the Mattel website yet, but you can purchase her on Amazon. I love everything about this doll! Her dress is beautiful! I love her glasses and her face makeup! Rosabella is definitely on my wishlist!
This is Darling Charming. Again I love everything about this doll! Her armor is really cool. I love her crown and her hair. The colours are really nice together!

Now we have Bunny Blanc and Alistair Wonderland. Bunny's Dress pattern and her is shoes are really cute to me. I think Alistair's hair is the best part of him, but his outfit is nice and simple.

This is Faybelle Thorn. I love her shoes!! They are so cute! I would like a pair. ( ; I also really like the streak of blue in her hair. Her eye makeup is really cool too.
That is all for now, stay tuned though for my Canada Day post later today.
This is the Rosabella Beauty Doll. She is not on the Mattel website yet, but you can purchase her on Amazon. I love everything about this doll! Her dress is beautiful! I love her glasses and her face makeup! Rosabella is definitely on my wishlist!
This is Darling Charming. Again I love everything about this doll! Her armor is really cool. I love her crown and her hair. The colours are really nice together!
Now we have Bunny Blanc and Alistair Wonderland. Bunny's Dress pattern and her is shoes are really cute to me. I think Alistair's hair is the best part of him, but his outfit is nice and simple.
This is Faybelle Thorn. I love her shoes!! They are so cute! I would like a pair. ( ; I also really like the streak of blue in her hair. Her eye makeup is really cool too.
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