Saturday, November 29, 2014

Baking Gingerbread Cookies

Hello. It is already the 29th of November and Christmas will be here soon. So my dolls and I have been getting a little holiday baking done.The other day Bella was making gingerbread men and women.
 Bella gathers all her ingredients and sets to work making the cookies.

 When she's all done she cuts them out and puts them on a pan and sticks them in the oven.
 When they're done she has fun decorating them with sprinkles and icing.

When she's done she sets them on a plate. Yum!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Our Generation- Retro

Hi. Our Generation has a new line of products out..... retro! I think this is a cool idea but it is kind of a copy of American Girl's Historical Character line. So any way I was looking at their website and found some cool stuff that I would like to share with you.
This looks like a super awesome set. It comes with alot of accessorizes and if I had something like this I would use it alot!

This car looks cool too, but again is sort of a copy of American Girls blue car that is in Julies collection.
Thats all for now. Bye!